Monday, December 5, 2011

The Ultimate Epic Poem: The Odyssey

Have you ever read the Odyssey by Homer? If not then you will have no clue what I'm talking about, but if you have, you'll understand completely. In the Odyssey, Odysseus is a hero who is returning from Troy to his home in Ithaca, but something goes wrong and instead of it taking him 20 days to sail home, it takes him 20 years.
Along the way he ticks off monsters, gods, and humans alike in order to get home to his wife Penelope and 20-year-old son Telemachus. If you ask me, Odysseus isn't a hero, he's a jerk of a man, an awful leader, and an even worse husband. There is no way I would ever marry a slime like him!
While Odysseus is on his way home he takes not so brief detours on the islands of two seductresses: Circe and Calypso. He stays and sleeps with both of them for over a year each time. Upon his arrival back home in Ithaca, he has the nerve to go undercover and see if his wife has cheated on him all this time or not. The nerve of him! He's away sleeping with goddesses, and while it was no easy journey, he has the nerve to see if his wife was faithful to him!! Odysseus is a jerk and there are so many better heroes that people should look up to.

Some of these heroes are mentioned in the following video:


  1. Oh my gosh! Anne, I love this! I find the Greek gods super fasinating! Thank you, thank you, thank you for making this blog! I could totally use this for English. :) Anyway, you did a really good job! Your information is very helpful! Maybe you could keep this up? haha

  2. I read this story last year in Hoblitzell's class. It was a good story just hated Mrs. Hoblitzell. I also find Greek mythology very interesting and Zeus is the best by far so... yea. The movie for Odyssey sucked though if you haven’t watched it in English class yet, not good.
